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Couple & Enagagement Photography by Zen Shots Photography in Milton Keynes & Northampton - Low Key lighting Portrait
Couple & Enagagement Photography by Zen Shots Photography in Milton Keynes & Northampton - Fun Studio Portrait
Couple & Enagagement Photography by Zen Shots Photography in Milton Keynes & Northampton - Low Key lighting Portrait

What to wear? 

We want you two to feel comfortable and that they are able to be relaxed in our. Therefore, avoiding dressing them in restrictive and formal clothing, however you can brining a second outfit the is more sophisticated and romantic. You might like to bring accessories to compliment each other such as sunglasses, hats and nice shoes.

Try to avoid wearing any white clothing as we shoot on a white background. Bright colours come out great and instantly give your pictures impact.  You may want to colour co-ordinate to have a running colour theme with each others clothes or perhaps you would like to mix two complimentary colours together. Below is a sample of colour combinations that work well together. Blue jeans are a good staple for any type of photoshoot and are timeless in photos.


What to bring with you?

Couple photoshoots can be fun, creative, sophisticated, engagement themed or even full of romance. We encourage you to think about what you two do together as a couple, what you are interested in and any hobbies that you have that we can incorporate into a photoshoot. Maybe you both have a favourite football team and can bring your teams kit and football. Or perhaps you enjoy watching movies together and enjoy a glass of wine. No matter what it is, don't hesitate to bring along anything you like. We love to personalise every single photoshoot.
Where is your artwork going in your home?

Your about to get some fantastic personalised artwork that will look great in any room. We recommend taking a look around your home and identifying areas where you may like to display your finished products. If you have multiple children, perhaps a collection or a collage will really show of all this kids personalities. Don't forget to discuss with your photography any specific interior design needs (whether you have a colour scheme or a specific shape of wall art space that your product needs to hang)

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