Say hello to Sarah, our Customer Service Manager! You've likely spoken to Sarah at some point during your experience with us whether that be on the phone, through an email or a direct message on our social media pages! We thought it was about time you got to know her a little bit better so we asked her a few questions to give you an insight into her and her life!
Describe your job in 3 words? Varied, busy and fun!
Coolest thing you're working on right now? Setting up my own etsy art shop!
Best thing about being part of the Zen Shots team? I feel like I have a second family, genuinely love the whole team and being able to work in a creative environment
Who would you most like to swap places with for a day? A cowboy!
What did you want to be as a kid growing up? Florist, pet shop owner, elephant keeper and interior designer
Last book you read? Conversations with Friends – Sally Rooney
Favourite thing/s to do in your spare time? Horse Riding, walking, spending time in nature, painting
Something we don't know/Fun fact about you? I have a fear of sauces
Your favourite quote? “One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.” ― Lewis Carroll
Your most useless skill? I can roll my tongue
Your year 5 teacher described you as? Quiet and well behaved!
You're known for? People pleasing!
You're zombie apocalypse plan is...? RUN!